Sunday, 28 July 2013

Etsy Shop is go!

I've resisted the idea of selling through Etsy for sometime now. Don't get me wrong, I love Etsy and all it stands for and promotes and I do a fair bit of shopping on there. I just had this awful feeling of putting my work out there in a big open pool like Etsy would leave me wide open to copying and cloning. I know they say imitation is the highest form of flattery, but this is my livelihood and RedPeg's main ethos is unique and on-of-a-kind, I don't like the thought of being robbed by others of my creativity and my designs.
I've kept my work quite guarded for sometime now. Selling only through Art Gallery gift shops and what I thought to be worthy outlets. More recently I've also started on the handmade-designer market circuit.
This I guess was kinda shooting my self in the foot by limiting my audience and by limiting the audience also the potential buyers.

Having started work  full time in the studio (yay),  its great being able to make things all day but I also need to get it out there. No point making beautiful things to adorn and be beautiful and make people happy if they don't leave the studio. Well, I'd wear them, but there is no money to be made in that.
I've said before I need two heads and an extra set of hands, so then I could wear more necklaces, more earrings and have more fingers for rings..........Ha, right, good look huh.

So I'm not really sure where I'm going with this post, I guess what I want to say is, I'm on etsy!
I've done it! I've jumped in that pool too.

The thing I love doing most in the world is making jewels, I have forever, whether it was sculpting window putty in my dads shed or hammering nails in wood, I was allways tinkering and creating.
And anyone who has known me for a long time will attest, the old saying, "Give it to Gab, she can wear it around her neck"...............It's true, its what they all said.
I thought it cruel, but now I think its cheeky and fun.
And true.............

My etsy 

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Big industry sounds from the Studio this week as I've been busy making some pieces for  Belinda who is opening "Just a Smidge" in a vintage caravan in Bowral on Friday. She's decked out on old 1971 van and is selling unique Australian  handmade goodies.
The van is located in the carpark of Dirty Janes Vintage Emporium.
Anyone in the Southern highlands will be familiar with Dirty Janes!

I received the call from her after  Canberra Handmade  Market‎
My details were passed onto her by Justine from Rabbit trap timber,
a fellow Highlander whom I met and traded with at the market.
Seriously, if you like reclaimed timber with an industrial edgy styling check out "Rabbit-trap timber", I'm so happy with my bread board and can't wait to cross paths with Justine again for some more bartering fun.

Been  fine tuning the blog this arvo with Rosie (thank-you
Rosie) and have worked out a few little quirks, well, worked out a few and found a few more. Probably a good thing it's still early days as I'm a bit of a luddite with my new found blogdom.
Not even sure about these links working properly................?
I'm sure on other blogs its just the name as a hyperlink........Without all the www and dots?.

Bear with me people, this maybe a bumpy ride but it'll be well worth it!

This is a sneak peek at a pair of the tribal earrings at "Just a Smidge"

Friday, 5 July 2013

Here I am, I've entered the blogging world.
I resisted and held back for as long as I could but have finally taken the plunge and landed with a splash into the blogmire that is the "RedPeg Eco Studio Blog Spot".
Hold your breath people, this thing is deep!
I hope to keep a record here of my goings on, not only in the studio and my creative endevours but other things of interest and fun things that I'm doing here in this beautiful valley on the lovely far south coast of NSW.