Friday, 11 July 2014

Opinions Please!!

I got a bit carried away this week photographing some pieces for a lookbook for a market that Im really keen on getting accepted into.
The photos are really just quick snaps taken on my ipad, so probably not the greatest quality but the vision is there. You'll see in a sec......

Im a lover of nature and depicting my pieces in nature has all ways been a thing I've done, taking them out of context, not showing them on the body but in the environment. As sculptures rather than jewellery.

This time I went with the crisp white background and my signature rosehips.
I was really pleased with them, but when I showed hubby he said, "No, its too distracting. You cant photograph jewellery like that".
He is of the sense that jewellery needs to be photographed on its own with just a white or black background.

Maybe he is right in that they are not appropriate for examples of my work to be sent off with my market submission but I reckon they will be good for something else......Maybe posters or a banner for my market stall or for some other form of advertising.......?

So I put it to you dear readers, what do you think???
Do you think its too distracting? Too out of context? Too hard to tell the size of the work? Too arty?
Please let me have it. Either here or on facebook. I'm keen to know your thoughts!

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