Saturday, 6 September 2014

RedPeg's going's on.

Time gets away from me and I find I've neglected this little old blog once again.
When I do think about how I should log on and update this little guy, I'm stumped as to what I should say.

I've just been ticking along, working in the Studio-Gallery, submitting market proposals for the upcoming Christmas markets, crafting and sending off new works to my galleries and stockist as well as sending off contact sheets to potential new stockists and suppliers.
Quite busy really.

My social media presence is mainly through Instagram these days, its all the lovely photos. What do they say, A photo speaks a thousand words.............Its true, Im favouring Instagram over facebook and its definitely the visual stimulation, Im dazzled by all the pretty pictures.
For those of you who don't use instagram I thought Id share some of my photos for you here.......For those of you who do, please come and follow me and keep up with all the RedPeg goings on.

At the Studio:
The Gallery window installation for the month is suspended snooker balls.

The feature wall for the month is "Plastique Fantastique"

This is a relatively new addition.
This is what my visitors sit on, a round backed three legged chair.

And then this happened.
A 2am call from the police is never fun.

Nothing stolen, just an inebriated fool fighting with my plate glass window.
 Maybe his reflection annoyed him....? 

Not sure Ill ever get all the glass out of the carpet.
 At the workbench:
Been playing with some new hook designs.
 These guys have got the dangle without fear of losing them with the self closing backs.

And some more.

Native Plant pressed Bangles.

Not much of a Blog post, I know.
But, hopefully the language of my images speak to you in some way.

Til next time.............

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