Sunday, 18 May 2014

A day in the life.......

With the Sydney Finders Keepers Market fast  approaching I've been in frantic production mode, making like a mad woman!
I've been allocated a debut stall which is only small, 1.5meters  x 1.5meters, usual markets stalls are about 3x3, so I've had to rethink my display and come up with a few smaller display boxes and hanging systems.
Having a smaller space will make my stall look fuller I guess, and I can store excess pieces under my table to top up as needed throughout the day.
Im really looking forward to this event and I imagine if I get time Ill be shopping up a storm as there is going to be so many beautiful things to buy.
The markets are on Friday night and Saturday 6-7th June.
You can find the details here.......

Anyway, I thought I'd take you through a pictorial view of a day in the life at the studio as I work on some Finders Keepers goodies......
Last week it was recycled sterling silver bangles........

First step, annealing the silver to soften it and keep it from springing out of shape when I go to solder it.
Note, the odd shapes, its more about making sure you have a nice join for soldering the two ends together.
The shaping comes later.

Soldering the ends together with my gas torch and silver solder.

Pickling the bangles, this removes the fire scale and I also use this as a way of cooling the silver for the next step.
I use salt and vinegar pickle as I dont like to use chemical agents, its probably not quite as effective, but it does work.
Although its a bit harsh on my tools and is rust waiting to happen, especially when I forget to put the lid on it!

Filing the join.

Shaping the Bangle.

Texturing the bangles with different marks.

A few finished bangles, ready to go into the tumbler to harden the silver back up and to shine them.

See you in Sydney!!!

1 comment:

  1. You are so super duper clever it makes me crazy... x
