Tuesday, 27 May 2014

I made this crazy thing!

I have just finished quite a unique custom order this week and thought I'd share some pics of the piece.
I was asked to make a bun cover - hair basket and pin out of sterling silver........ I was thinking about it and how Id go about making it but I was also thinking the lady may not come back and its going to be a lot of work and a fair bit of material required for the job so I put off actually starting the work as I had so much other stuff to do with Finders Keepers creeping up.
Anyway, weeks had passed when the lady came back to check on my progress. I explaining  it would be quite a task involving a lot of my time and a lot of silver and that the price of the piece would be quite expensive with all these things considered.
She said, she didn't care, that she really wanted me to make it, that it would become a treasure that she'd hand down to her  granddaughters.
She whipped out $100 to give me incentive to get started and off she went.

This is the original drawing  the customer did to show me what she envisioned.

The finished piece.
I got so carried away in the making process I forgot to take photos along the way.

Modeled by the lovely Rose

I found the process so much fun and I actually really like the finished object.
 I know all my work is made with a sculptors eye (and hands) but it was working in a definite three dimensional sense that I really relished.
The hair basket and pin has a real sense or permanence, in that it will become a family heirloom.
Today I'm going to ring the lady and tell her her treasure is finished.
I hope she likes it.